fei elections
You will find here the full list of open positions for 2018 including details with regards to job specifications and the relevant process in terms of deadlines, timelines and candidate requirements.
The proportion of positions occupied by women and the geographical representation in FEI Committees have increased since 2015 when the FEI Bureau encouraged female candidacies and candidacies from nations not yet represented. While this increase is promising, the FEI Bureau still strongly encourages the National Federations to nominate female candidates and representatives of non-represented nations in order to ensure gender equality and diversity among the members of the FEI Committees.
The FEI views with immense pride the fact that equestrian sport is one of very few where men and women compete as equals at all levels of international, as well as national, competition.
The FEI Bureau has approved on 24 January 2018 an Independent Election Committee established under Article 36.1 of the FEI Statutes. The main duty of the Independent Election Committee is to oversee the election processes in 2018, preserve its integrity and avoid any potential conflict of interests. For more information click here.
Any questions about the FEI Election Process 2018 can be addressed to FEI Nominations Committee Administrator (julie.schlaefli@fei.org).
UD encontrará la lista completa de los puestos vacantes para 2018, incluidos los detalles con respecto a las especificaciones del trabajo y el proceso pertinente en términos de plazos, plazos y requisitos de los candidatos.

La proporción de puestos ocupados por mujeres y la representación geográfica en los comités de FEI han aumentado desde 2015 cuando el Buró de FEI alentó las candidaturas de mujeres y las candidaturas de países que aún no están representados. Si bien este aumento es prometedor, la Mesa de la FEI aún alienta encarecidamente a las Federaciones Nacionales a que designen candidatas y representantes de naciones no representadas a fin de garantizar la igualdad de género y la diversidad entre los miembros de los Comités de la FEI.

La FEI ve con gran orgullo el hecho de que el deporte ecuestre es uno de los pocos en los que hombres y mujeres compiten como iguales en todos los niveles de la competencia internacional, así como nacional.

La Mesa de la FEI aprobó el 24 de enero de 2018 un Comité Electoral Independiente establecido en virtud del Artículo 36.1 de los Estatutos de la FEI. El deber principal del Comité Electoral Independiente es supervisar los procesos electorales en 2018, preservar su integridad y evitar cualquier posible conflicto de intereses. Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí.

Cualquier pregunta sobre el Proceso de Elección FEI 2018 puede dirigirse al Administrador del Comité de Nominaciones FEI (julie.schlaefli@fei.org).

Position Name of Person currently occupying the position Status Term
ELECTED BY THE FEI GENERAL ASSEMBLY in November 2018 (⇒ process)
FEI President *
Bureau Member
Ingmar De Vos (BEL) Re-eligible 2018 – 2022 Elected by the FEI General Assembly
⇒ Job Specification
* Process for Vice Presidents’election is available here
Chair Group II
Bureau Member
Hanfried Haring (GER) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Elected by the FEI General Assembly
⇒ Job Specification
Chair Group VI
Bureau Member
Luiz Roberto Giugni (BRA) Re-eligible 2018 – 2022 Elected by the FEI General Assembly
⇒ Job Specification
Chair Veterinary
Bureau Member
John McEwen (GBR) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Elected by the FEI General Assembly
⇒ Job Specification
Audit & Compliance
Janice Shardlow (GBR) Re-eligible 2018 – 2022 Elected by the FEI General Assembly
⇒ Job Specification
Athlete’ Committee
Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Elected by their peers
via online election from
29 July – 23 September

⇒ Job Specification

Anna Paprocka Campanella (ITA) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
Daisy Berkeley (GBR) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
Bartolomiej Kwiatek (POL) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
Valerie Kanavy (USA) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
2018 – 2022
Lukas Klouda (CZE) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
Para-Equestrian Dressage
Laurentia Tan (SIN) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
APPOINTED BY THE FEI BUREAU in November 2018 (⇒ process)
Standing Committees
Veterinary Member * Kent Allen (USA) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Veterinary Member Colin Roberts (GBR) Outgoing 2018 – 2022
* The Veterinary Committee would prefer a candidate with a strong experience in research.
Medical Member Antonia Lehane (IRL) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Jumping Member Peter Bollen (BEL) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Dressage Member Luis Lucio (ESP) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Eventing Member * Patricia Clifton (GBR) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
* The Eventing Committee would prefer a strong background of Official involved in the integration of less experienced countries within the Eventing International competition framework.
Driving Member * Joaquin Medina (ESP) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
* The Driving Committee would prefer a strong Organiser background
Endurance Member Shanie Bosch Fourie (NAM) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Reining Chair Bob Thompson (CAN) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Reining Member Magdalena Szarszewska (POL) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Vaulting Member Davy Delaire (FRA) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Vaulting Member Doris Knotter (AUT) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification
Para-Equestrian Member Marco Orsini (GER) Outgoing 2018 – 2022 Appointed by the FEI Bureau
⇒ Job Specification


How to Apply 

To apply for an open position which will be elected by the FEI General Assembly in November 2018, all candidates must send the following three (3) documents to the Nominations Committee Administrator (julie.schlaefli@fei.org) by 1 May 2018 (23:59 CEST):

Timeline & Deadlines

1 February Open Positions are announced
1 May, 23:59 CEST Deadline to submit Application
8 May The names of Candidates for the FEI President position will be published on inside.fei.org
15 June The names and supporting documents of Candidates for all positions elected by the FEI General Assembly will be published here.

All applications will be vetted by the FEI Nominations Committee during their meeting in Lausanne (SUI) on 7 June 2018.