Canada has been awarded next year’s FEI Pan American Endurance Championships.

Equine Canada and Endurance Canada have announced that the 120km race will be held in Millbrook, Ontario, at Cayuse Creek Ranch.

The competition will be held in Ganaraska Forest, southern Ontario’s largest conservation area. The forest has more than 11,000 acres of trees and over 600km of trails.

The advantage of the venue is that there are no public roads and only proven horse-friendly private landowners.

The course will be designed for mostly double-track flat trails which will maximize the speeds for the horses and minimize any hazardous trail conditions.

Championship organizer Bob Coleman, said the organizing committee was looking forward to hosting the event at Cayuse Creek Ranch.

“It will be an honour to have some of the best endurance horses and riders from North, Central and South America at this event here in Ontario.”

“This event will do much to promote this amazing equine sport, as well as highlight the athleticism of the Arabian horse, the breed of choice for endurance racing, but will also showcase the recreational and tourist attractions of the area.”

Coleman said he believed Ganaraska Forest was the best venue in Ontario for endurance racing, with its wide selection of trail, from flat, sandy and fast to narrow, technical ones.

Spectators will be able to watch the event for free. It is tentatively set for the week of July 6, 2015, to correspond with 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto.