Les recordamos a los interesados que tengan posibilidades de ir al Panamericano de Canadá comunicarse con nosotros para enviar la posible nómina de Chile antes del 14 de marzo, que es la fecha que la organización entregó para definir la factibilidad del evento.


Hello – I am sending this email to try to determine how many riders we can expect to attend the Pan

American Endurance Championship here in Millbrook, Ontario on August 18, 2015, both Seniors and

Young Riders.  I plan to post the draft schedule with FEI next week, but am some what hesitant until I

know that there will be sufficient attendance to justify the cost of the event.  If there are not sufficient

riders to make it a legitimate “Pan Am” event, the event will be cancelled.

Each team will have a minimum of 3 riders and a maximum of 5.  The course will be 120 kms.

Please respond by March 14 as to the following:

1.  Number of riders who will be attending from your country.

2. Number of support staff who will be attending – grooms, veterinarians, Chef D’equippe?

I will send out a reminder a few days before March 14.

Please contact me directly if you have any questions about the event.

Thank you for your participation,

Bob Coleman (Organizer)
